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Inside Lipodrene: Secret Ingredients for Shredding Fat and Crushing Cravings

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If you’re trying to reach a goal weight or prepping for an upcoming body-building event, your body might need a boost to hit your target.

Using a fat burner like Lipodrene may be your secret weapon to make it happen.

Lipodrene by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is the leading supplement for shredding fat and crushing cravings to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Its proprietary formula boosts focus and energy levels while curbing your appetite to eliminate unneeded snacking.

In this post, we will break down Lipodrene’s formula to uncover why it’s the best fat burner on the market and answer your questions about using the supplement.

What Makes Lipodrene Ingredients Stand Out?

Lipodrene comes in a few different forms that help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Whether you stick with the original formula with Ephedra or step it up to Lipodrene Elite, Lipodrene’s ingredients, including Thermo-Rx (a rapid-release metabolism booster) and Extend-Rx (an extended-release appetite suppressant and mood booster) formulas, make it possible to shed unwanted pounds.

Here is a breakdown of what you get from Lipodrene’s base fat-burning formula:

Senegalia Berlanderi Extract

This extract comes from the leaves of Sengalia Berlanderi bush and contains a blend of alkaloids, including:

  • Methylsynephrine
  • N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine
  • N-Dimethylphenylethylamine
  • Phenylethylamine

When these leaves are broken down into an extract, they provide potent effects that boost thermogenesis, curb your appetite, and increase energy levels.

2-Aminoisoheptane HCl

This active ingredient in Lipodrene is sourced from a plant native to China, aconitum kusnezoffii, or produced synthetically. 2-Aminoisoheptane HCl is a powerful stimulant that increases energy levels, focus, and alertness — giving you the boost you need to maximize your potential during workouts.

Citrus Aurantanium Extract

Derived from citrus fruits, citrus aurantanium extract increases Lipodrene’s potency by suppressing your appetite. The result is fewer food cravings, which will help you reduce calorie intake and shed unwanted fat.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea has been known for centuries for its antioxidants and bioactive compounds. As part of the proprietary Lipodrene formula, green tea extract increases brain function, boosts metabolism, and helps improve overall health.

Hoodia Extract

Hi-Tech sources hoodia extract from a cactus commonly grown in Southern Africa. Local bushmen have used the plant for generations to fight off hunger during long hunting trips. As part of the Lipodrene formula, hoodia extract offsets hunger pangs to help you stick to your diet.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Last but not least, Lipodrene’s fat-burning formula includes caffeine anhydrous. Studies show that caffeine is incredibly effective at boosting alertness and enhancing physical performance. It also improves thermogenesis to help you burn fat all day long.

Each ingredient in Lipodrene’s Thermo-Rx and Extend-Rx formulas is effective on its own, but when combined, they create one of the most potent fat-shredding supplements on the market.

Is Lipodrene Proven to Burn Fat?

Yes. If you follow the recommended daily dose and continue to maintain your exercise and diet routine, you will burn more fat with Lipodrene.

Lipodrene is one of the most popular fat burners because people find it works better than its competitors. One report from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals found that Thermo-Rx’s Senegalia Berlanderi extract increases metabolism by 22% in only 45 minutes.

What Should You Watch Out for When Taking Lipodrene?

Lipodrene’s ingredients include powerful stimulants that are completely safe when taken at the proper dosage by healthy adults. However, you may experience some adverse side effects if you have a sensitivity to stimulants like caffeine.

Some of the possible side effects of Lipodrene include:

  • Jitters or anxiety
  • Nausea (if taken without food)
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Abnormal heart rhythms

It’s best to start taking a half dose of Lipodrene for a week or two to make sure you don’t experience any negative effects. If you experience jitters or nausea, consider taking the supplement with a meal.

As with any supplement, it is important to consult a trusted doctor or health professional before taking Lipodrene. You also want to make sure the stimulants in Lipodrene won’t interfere with any prescription medications you may be taking.

Black Diamond Supplements Is Your Lipodrene Supplier

With over a decade in the supplements game, we carefully select our inventory to ensure you only receive the highest-quality supplements at BDS. 

Our knowledgeable team is also here to answer any questions you may have, so feel free to get in touch with us at any time via our contact page or our convenient chat box.

If you’re ready to shred fat and crush your cravings with Lipodrene, head over to our fat burners page

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