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Antaeus Labs starts with a legendary lineup of supplements named for the Greek gods, and their formulas help you harness the dynamic powers of the original superheroes with innovative formulas. With products that help athletes move into the next realm of health and fitness, you’ll want to read about the rest of their products. Black Diamond Supplements carries a deep selection of Antaeus Labs formulas at the best prices.

Antaeus Labs works hard on novel delivery systems and uses ingredients that aren’t always found in products from some bigger supplement manufacturers. With an in-house supply unit and production network that’s spread around the world. They are leaders in supplying cutting edge nootropics and legal muscle building supplements and back it all up with product testing results released into the public domain. For you, this means access to products that help you push through your fitness plateaus, get the muscle mass you desire, and add a new focus to your overall health.

Antaeus has formulas like the Achilles joint support product that helps you maintain joint and connective tissue function with ingredients like Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) for pain and inflammation reduction, and traditional Brazilian herbal medicines like Heteropterys Aphrodisiaca, known for its ability to help increase the strength of bones and tendons. Talos, their cycle support product, is a unique formula that not only helps combat the negative effects of anabolic steroids, designer steroids, and prohormones with a combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and potent herbal extracts – it also offers cardiovascular health benefits.

Check out this pantheon of formulas and enjoy the Antaeus Labs difference.

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