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The Most Effective Ways To Burn Fat

On a quest to melt the extra fat that’s accumulated around your middle in the last few years? If so, it’s important that you consider the different ways your body burns fat. While it may seem like fat loss is just a one-step process, it can be achieved through multiple routes. These include: Reducing your […]

Are There Really Exercises to Stay Away From?

Longevity and injury prevention are becoming a big part in exercise and you may hear about things you shouldn’t do in the gym. This could range from different tweaks in form to staying away from a machine as a whole. This is actually true in some cases, but if you are injury free and you […]

Exercise Tips for Posture and Body Pain

When a lot of people think of exercise they will often times think of those people who are drenched in sweat, trying to catch their breath, and throwing a ton of weight around. With this said, it is becoming more popular for people to use exercise for corrective reasons. Most jobs will have effects on posture and with […]

Who to follow on Social Media

Wether we like it or not, the internet is integrating itself into everything. This includes weightlifting and the fitness/health industry. You more than likely have a couple people in mind that you may follow on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Snapchat that you either enjoy watching or learning from. Social media is becoming such a huge tool […]

Different Types of Diets and Fitness

When it comes to bodybuilding, fitness, and overall health, diet is one of the most important aspects. This is where you fuel your body to function and solicit different results depending on what you eat. When you’re trying to lose or gain weight, the main focus should be counting calories since a surplus will cause […]

Lifting Weights and Mental Health

It is fairly common knowledge that lifting weights and exercise as a whole is good for you physically, but more and more people are starting to figure out that lifting weights is great for their mental health. Weight lifting can actually effect many different aspects of mental health, so if you’re looking for a mental […]

Looking Back on 2017 Biggest Fitness Trends

Looking Back on 2017 Biggest Fitness Trends  It’s no secret the wellness industry is blowing up. Instagram has become a stage for fitness models and it seems like just about everyone is a fitness influencer/motivator these days. However, that is not the only trend that’s hitting the industry. Recovery techniques like cryotherapy and cupping are […]

How to Lose Fat Lifting Weights

Let’s be honest. Cardio isn’t for everyone. The thought of running for hours on a treadmill doesn’t always motivate us to get to the gym. Most are familiar with the widely-known rule that cardio is for losing weight and weight-lifting is for gaining muscle. But, let’s dig deeper into this. I want you to ask […]

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