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Does Ephedra Actually Burn Fat?

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Dozens of fat burners are available on the market, and each promises similar results: increased fat burn, suppressed appetite, and weight loss. So how do you choose?

Some of the best-selling fat burners use ephedra extract to boost resting metabolism and increase thermogenesis.

But does ephedra burn fat?

Keep reading to learn what ephedra is, how it helps you burn fat, and the pros and cons of adding a supplement with ephedra to your routine.

What is Ephedra?

Ephedra extract comes from an evergreen Chinese botanical commonly known as ma-huang. 

Traditionally, Chinese herbalists used the herb as a medicine to treat asthma because it stimulates the body to produce noradrenaline. The result is a decongestant effect similar to pseudoephedrine.

Noradrenaline also acts in your body as the “fight or flight” hormone, causing your body to increase focus and boost your metabolism and heart rate.

This increase in metabolism can help you shed unwanted pounds when used correctly.

Is Ephedra Banned in the United States?

In 2004, the FDA banned ephedrine alkaloids (compounds derived from ma-huang) in the US because they presented a risk when taking them for weight loss. As of September 2019, that ban is still in effect.

However, the ephedra extract used in today’s supplements is alkaloid-free. With the extract not containing alkaloids, it is entirely legal for use in all 50 states.

How Does Ephedra Help You Lose Fat?

Ephedra extract works by stimulating your nervous system and boosting your noradrenaline production. The effects of this boost in hormone production can include the following:

Increased Metabolic Rate

When you take supplements with ephedra extract, it elevates your resting metabolism. This metabolic boost will help you burn more calories — even when you aren’t exercising.

Appetite Suppression

In addition to boosting your metabolism, ephedra extract can suppress your appetite. Your body will desire less calorie intake during the day, making staying in a calorie deficit easier.

Increased Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis is the metabolic process responsible for generating heat within the body. The more heat your body produces, the more calories it will burn. 

By enhancing thermogenesis, ephedra extract raises your body temperature, leading to increased calorie burn.

More Effective Lipolysis

In addition to boosting metabolic rate and thermogenesis, ephedra extract enhances how the body breaks down stored fat, or lipolysis. Increasing this process helps your body shed unwanted pounds.

Enhanced Energy Levels

Many supplements with ephedra extract also contain caffeine. By combining these powerful stimulants, you’ll get a boost in energy levels that makes exercise and daily activities easier.

What Are the Common Side Effects of Ephedra Extract?

While ephedra extract is excellent for giving you a fat-burning boost, there are potential side effects you need to be aware of before taking it as a supplement. These include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness

The best way to counteract these side effects is to be mindful of your ephedra use. Take only the recommended dose, and eat a meal with your supplement if you notice severe side effects.

Is Ephedra Hard on the liver?

Ephedra extract can increase your liver enzyme production. Elevated liver levels indicate that your liver is under more stress than it should be.

Because of this potentially harmful side effect, you should avoid alcohol and over-the-counter drugs like NSAIDs when taking supplements with ephedra.

Before taking a supplement with ephedra extract, you should consult your doctor or a healthcare professional. They can guide you on whether they think ephedra-based supplements are a good fit for you.

Pros and Cons of Ephedra

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of ephedra-based supplements before you order a bottle of these powerful fat burners. Here are some things to keep in mind when taking a supplement with ephedra extract:

Pro: Ephedra Boosts Metabolism

The metabolism boost you get from supplements with ephedra extract can give you a significant metabolic rise. This increased metabolism will help you burn more fat, even at rest.

Pro: Ephedra Increases Energy Levels

Taking a supplement with ephedra will boost your energy levels. The result is a greater ability to reach your workout goals.

Con: The Weight Loss Effects Are Best in the Short Term

When taking ephedra for weight loss, you may want to reconsider if you are looking for a sustainable solution. Ephedra users see the best results when taking supplements to cut weight quickly, such as for those who have a special event or competition on the horizon.

Con: Side Effects of Ephedra May Not Be Worth It

If you have any heart issues or are sensitive to stimulants, you may want to avoid supplements that contain ephedra. 

The Bottom Line

Ephedra extract is a powerful fat burner that can help support your weight loss objectives, but you want to consider potential side effects before placing your order.

If you’re ready to supercharge your weight loss, we have you covered at BDS. Check out our selection of fat burners with EPH to find the best fit for you!

Reach out to us if you have more questions about ephedra extract. With over a decade in the supplements game, we can answer any questions that you may have about ephedra.

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