Alpha Bulking Stack with 3-AD and Muscle Pro
Bulking made as easy as 1, 2, 3. When it is time to pack on the pounds, not just anything will do, you still want to gain healthy weight. Increasing your weight on the scale should not be your main focus during a bulking cycle. Increased weight can mean increased body fat percentage. Increasing the number on the scale might appear to be beneficial, but gaining fat is not. You want to build muscle mass, lean muscle mass at that. This way when it comes to cutting you do not have to worry so much about significantly decreasing body fat. This makes it easier to preserve muscle mass.
The Alpha Bulking Stack combines two of our most sought after muscle building products for size, strength and lean muscle mass. The combination of these supplements can help you easily add muscle mass and keep from gaining excess fat.
Enhanced 3-AD has quickly become our number one selling prohormone and for good reason, it is the best prohormone for achieving clean gains.
Enhanced Muscle Pro is designed to support lean muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance.
How to cycle the Alpha Bulking Stack:
Take one serving (4 capsules) of Muscle Pro anytime during the day with water for 30 days.
Take one to three servings (2-6 capsules) of 3-AD anytime during the day with water. If you are using 2-3 servings split doses evenly throughout the day.
– Beginners: Take one serving (2 capsules)(75mg)
– Intermediate: Take two servings (4 capsules)(150mg)
– Advanced: Take three servings (6 capsules)(225mg)
Beginners will have an extra 30 days of 3-AD, we recommend starting your first 30 days with only 3-AD and the second 30 days utilize 3-AD and Muscle Pro together.
Intermediate users will finish both 3-AD bottles and Muscle Pro in a 30 day period when taken together.
Advanced users will finish both 3-AD bottles after 20 days, we recommend starting with both 3-AD and Muscle Pro for those 20 days and finish out the remaining 10 days on Muscle Pro. You can also purchase a third bottle of 3-AD to complete 30 days of the stack.