Equipoise Prohormone Stack
This stack includes:
Equipoise, helps boost testosterone levels for more endurance, stamina and lean muscle. By using an anabolic agent like Equipoise you will see noticeable changes in your physique and astonishing strength increases.
Laxogenin 100, helps build muscle and/or enhance athletic performance.
Liver-Rx, a revolutionary liver support system.
Arimistane, an advanced, multi-faceted post cycle support supplement to raise testosterone levels and block estrogen.
Weeks 1-4: Take 1 tablet of Equipoise and Laxogenin 100 two times daily (8-12 hours apart). Take 3 tablets of Liver-Rx daily.
Weeks 3-6: Take 1 tablet of Arimistane two times daily (8-12 hours apart).