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Ephedra as a Fat Burner

Ephedra as a Fat Burner

After the holidays, you may be in the market to shed a few (or more!) pounds, looking at all the different supplements out there.  Many people find it overwhelming trying to decide which product is right to meet their needs, but today, we’re here to try and help make that just a little bit easier […]

Ephedra 101: What You Need to Know

If you’re in the market for a fat loss product, one ingredient you may come across is that of ephedra. You may have heard mixed things about ephedra, some people claiming it is dangerous and should never be used while others stating that it’s the best fat burning compound out there. What’s the real deal? […]

What’s What When it Comes to Protein Supplements

When it comes to supplements, the most widely used and arguably the most important, is protein reigns supreme. Protein supplements are for and should be used by everyone. They are typically around 25-35g of protein per serving and depending on the supplement, you will find other nutrients and macros that will help with your goals. […]

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