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Everything You Should Know About HydroxyElite

HydroxyElite is a powerful fat-burning supplement developed by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. The product is a stack of three particularly efficient ingredients including DMMA, caffeine, and garcinia cambogia extract. When combined, this trio of ingredients produce a hardcore stimulant, allowing you to burn fat, lose weight, and increase energy. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals calls HydroxyElite an “extreme diet aid.” Meaning, this supplement will […]

Become A Pro at Stacking Prohormones

A question we get a lot here at Black Diamond Supplements… “What is a good stack?” Well that depends… Let me start out by giving you a little detail on the prohormone compounds that are available and legal. Each compound has different benefits, so the best way to start out is by knowing what you can […]

Prohormone vs Testosterone Booster

Prohormone vs Testosterone Booster: Which Is Right For You? It is inevitable, we are going to keep aging unless time freezes. As most of you may know with age comes some less than ideal effects on your body. One of those being males start to see a decrease in testosterone at about the age of […]

Lipodrene vs Lipodrene Hardcore | Superior Weight Loss

Lipodrene with Ephedra vs. Lipodrene Hardcore with Ephedra These are among the top sellers in weight loss supplements. They both have Hi-Tech’s Proprietary Blend that contains ephedra extract (25mg), senegalia berlanderi extract and either Methylhexamine HCI or 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, both known as DMAA. You may be asking what makes them different from each other and […]

Decabolin | The World’s Best Anabolic Prohormone

Claimed to be the world’s best anabolic prohormone, Decabolin by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is not a supplement to mess around with. Decabolin was formulated from the ground up with serious athletes in mind. It’s designed to increase muscle gains and strength, improve workout performance, and safely and effectively replace anabolic steroids. Decabolin is 100% safe and legal. In our […]

Lipodrene Hardcore with Ephedra | Quick Weight Loss and Energy

What is Lipodrene Hardcore? Lipodrene Hardcore is a supplement used to suppress appetite, increases energy and burn fat. The supplement is a spin-off of the original Lipodrene formula, but with a twist. The twist is that Lipodrene Hardcore contains Ephedra, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (later added to the original Lipodrene), and double the caffeine. With these added ingredients, you’ll […]

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